Address collaboration challenges caused by inconsistent file formatting through standardized documentation
Work, Design Documentation
Cover: Optimize Collaboration through Standardized Design Documentation in Figma
UI/UX Designer
1 Week, September 2023
Aleph Labs Indonesia x Telkomsel Orbit
Telkomsel Orbit is a portable internet and WiFi provider by Telkomsel, one of the biggest telecommunication companies in Indonesia. In my current position as a UI/UX Designer at Aleph Labs Indonesia, Telkomsel Orbit is the primary client I work with. One challenge I encounter revolves around documentation, and this case study delves into how I address and overcome these challenges.
Problem Background
Effective documentation is crucial for maintaining seamless collaboration among project team members. However, in Orbit, there is a lack of standardized file formatting, resulting in each designer adopting their own documentation system. This lack of organization gives rise to several issues, including:
Design File Before Standardizing File Structure (1)Design File Before Standardizing File Structure (2)
Design File Before Standardizing File Structure
To address these issues,  I have introduced a structured file guide to establish a standardized documentation system and implementing better file organization practices within Figma. The guide aims to provide a standardized framework for documentation, ensuring consistency, clarity, and easy retrieval of information.
The file guide is applicable to both design and research files. All associated tasks will be consolidated within a single Figma file, adhering to the following structured format:
Figma file structure
Figma page structure
The client brief, design status, table of contents, benchmarking list, and meeting notes list will be consolidated onto a single page.
Page consist of client brief, design status, table of contents, benchmarking list, and meeting note
client client brief, design status, table of contents, benchmarking list, and meeting notes in one page
The breakdown:
Breakdown: brief from client
Breakdown 1: Client brief
Breakdown: design file status
Breakdown 2: Design status
Breakdown: meeting notes
Breakdown 3: Meeting notes
breakdown: table of content
Breakdown 4: Table of content
The table of contents will provide a direct link to the use case list, located on both the mobile and desktop design pages. This comprehensive use case list serves as a valuable resource, facilitating easy navigation for users to locate all flows, permutations, negative cases, and technical notes within the file.
Use case list for design file permutations
Use case list
Each flow name in the use case list table is hyperlinked to its corresponding design flow section on the right. This functionality streamlines navigation, allowing users to access their desired use case directly.
Example of design flow that will be navigate using use case list
Use case list next to design file
The file guide is pinned at the top of the project lists to ensure that everyone adheres to and utilizes the provided guides effectively.
Pinning design file structure on top of the project list
File guide is pinned at the top of the project lists
Positive Improvements
The implementation of this file guide serves as a valuable enhancement, fostering consistency and efficiency in project documentation and ensuring that all team members benefit from standardized practices, while also aiding other stakeholders in navigating our Figma files more effectively.